Posts Tagged ‘LoadRunner’

Timing HTTP Redirects in LoadRunner

Posted on September 29th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

One of the most commonly misscripted elements in performance testing is web authentication. I’m not talking about integrated authentication like SPNEGO, I’m talking about a simple HTTP POST with authentication details followed by the sites authenticated home page. The problem is that the user experiences a two step process.

User Login

In reality the process is actually 3 steps, with the middle step is transparent to the user. Because it is transparent, tools like LoadRunner will attempt to represent the end-user experience and record only two steps. In most cases, this is the desired end-result. The following diagram shows the three steps that occur.

Web Authentication

The issue with recording Logon like this, is that it does not allow you to separate the authentication time from the loading time of the subsequent page. Its a simple process to separate the timing of the authentication and the subsequent page load, and the following code snippet shows you how to do it in LoadRunner.

Action() {

	// Validate Logon Page
	web_reg_find("Text=Lost your password?", LAST);

	// Open Logon Page

	lr_end_transaction("Open_Logon_Page", LR_AUTO);

	// Disable HTTP Redirects to time Authentication
        web_set_option("MaxRedirectionDepth", "0", LAST);

	lr_start_sub_transaction("Authenticate", "Logon");

	// Find Authenticated URL
	web_reg_save_param("redirect_url", "LB/ic=Location: ", "RB=\r\n", "Search=Headers", LAST);

	// Submit Authentication
		"Name=log", "Value={USERNAME}", ENDITEM,
		"Name=pwd", "Value={PASSWORD}", ENDITEM,
		"Name=redirect_to", "Value=", ENDITEM,
		"Name=testcookie", "Value=1", ENDITEM,
		"Name=wp-submit", "Value=Log In", ENDITEM,

	lr_end_sub_transaction("Authenticate", LR_AUTO);

        // Enable HTTP Redirects to time Authentication
        web_set_option("MaxRedirectionDepth", "10", LAST);

	lr_start_sub_transaction("Authenticated_Page", "Logon");

	// Verify Authenticated Page
	web_reg_find("Text=Dashboard", LAST);


	lr_end_sub_transaction("Authenticated_Page", LR_AUTO);
	lr_end_transaction("Logon", LR_AUTO);

         return 0; 

Getting to know your tools: Firebug

Posted on July 17th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

FirebugI have always enjoyed introducing people to tools that I find really helpful, and one such tool is Firebug. While this Firefox plug-in has many great features, the one that interests me the most is the Net Panel. This tutorial is targeted towards a performance tester. This simple scenario aims show you how Firebug can not only give you a better understanding of the application under test, it can also help you write better scripts.
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LoadRunner not accepting cookies on HTTP 302 redirect

Posted on May 25th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

cookiesI recently came across a problem with trying to record a login to a website. After posting my login credentials, I received a 302 redirect that contained several Authentication cookies. Unfortunately, LoadRunner was not recognising the cookies and the subsequent page redirected me back to the login page.

As login was obviously working in the browser, I recorded a clean session using the fabulous Firebug. Now that I was able to directly compare the HTTP headers. It quickly became evident that the reason was that LoadRunner wasn’t reading the entire 302 Header. Time to pull out Firebug.
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Performance Testing Oracle via JDBC with LoadRunner – Basics

Posted on May 18th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

This post discusses a method for testing Oracle via a JDBC connection, to simulate application interaction with the database. It is designed as an introduction to get you started, where you take it from there is up to you.

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LoadRunner Analysis Tips and Tricks

Posted on February 25th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

I was looking to put together a list of LoadRunner Analysis reporting tips and tricks for our company Wiki. It didn’t take long however to find a comprehensive list by Nick Wilton.

I highly recommend taking a look at this list, and I have highlighted my top 5 tips below. To read the rest of Nick’s tips, or to leave him a thank you message, check out the full article over at JDS Australia here.

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